القابه :
Triple H, The Game, The Cerebral Assasin, etc
ميلاده :
July 27, 1969
طوله :
6.4 قدم
وزنه :
260 باوند
تاريخ اعتباره مصارع محترف :
March 1992
مكان المعيشة الاصلي :
Originally Nashua, NH
بعض المعلومات غير مترجمة :
Terra Ryzin, Jean-Paul Levesque
Paul Levesque is an American pro wrestler who performs for World Wrestling Entertainment. He has held different incarnations of the WWE title on 13 different occasions, defeating such superstars as Mankind, The Rock and Chris Jericho to become champ. Outside the ring, he is married to Stephanie McMahon, who is the daughter of WWE owner Vince McMahon. They have 2 daughters; Aurora Rose and Murphy Claire.
Triple H, The Game, The Cerebral Assasin, etc
ميلاده :
July 27, 1969
طوله :
6.4 قدم
وزنه :
260 باوند
تاريخ اعتباره مصارع محترف :
March 1992
مكان المعيشة الاصلي :
Originally Nashua, NH
بعض المعلومات غير مترجمة :
Terra Ryzin, Jean-Paul Levesque
Paul Levesque is an American pro wrestler who performs for World Wrestling Entertainment. He has held different incarnations of the WWE title on 13 different occasions, defeating such superstars as Mankind, The Rock and Chris Jericho to become champ. Outside the ring, he is married to Stephanie McMahon, who is the daughter of WWE owner Vince McMahon. They have 2 daughters; Aurora Rose and Murphy Claire.